10 Huge Gaps in Conventional Management Methods and Tools
For a work navigator to work efficiently, there are ten huge gaps in conventional
management practices that must be eliminated.
GAP 1 – Personal ToDo lists are not automated, integrated and synchronized with other people’s ToDo lists
GAP 2 - No continuous connections between what each person needs to do and the tasks they are involved in. Their tasks are usually located in and spread between strategies, projects, processes, events, and many other activities.
GAP 3 - Managers and leaders have trouble identifying and consistently providing all stakeholders with critical task and team information in an understandable and actionable form.
GAP 4 - Security and privacy are hard to understand and action.
GAP 5 – No means to easily integrate task work flows and personal work flows.
GAP 6 – Shared planning is inconsistent, and plans are not continuously updated. Without an updated plan; organizing, leading, controlling and navigating have no consistent foundation.
GAP 7 - Management processes - planning, organizing, leading and controlling - were not designed for distributed management between everyone involved. They were designed for use mainly by managers.
GAP 8 - Not creating and sustaining flexible Task teams, ToDo teams and communities.
GAP 9 - Not understanding and matching how individuals, teams and communities actually work in practice.
GAP 10 - The lack of distributed management capabilities for navigating together.
An Interactive Work Navigation Platform is required to make it easy to close the ten gaps.
The platform must be simple, global, and build communities.
Making it easy for anyone, anywhere at any time to navigate with anyone else.